• Current topic for Adult Forum, Sunday 10-11am. See the Church Calendar for details

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Welcome to Red River UU Church
of Denison Texas.

We Invite You To Bring Your Whole Self:
Your Full Identity, Your Questioning Mind,
And Your Expansive Heart.

Red River UU Church has been a liberal religious presence in Denison since 1997.

We are doing the soulful work of reaching deeper, individually and together, in order to grow

and better engage within our community and beyond, and to play an active role in being the

way a better world is made possible for all.

Our worship, the warmth of our community, our programs, our music, our commitment to our community,

and our outreach programs make Red River UU Church a very special place. We can’t wait to welcome you.

What We Believe

Our beliefs are diverse and inclusive. We have no shared creed. Learn about the Unitarian Universalist principles that form our faith and how we draw from the wisdom of the world’s great faiths and prophets.


Learn & Grow

We believe that no person stops growing, and so we offer learning opportunities for you across the lifespan. Get information about programs for all ages to learn and grow spiritually at Red River UU Church.


Special Events

From music events to special guest speakers to social gatherings, there is always something happening at First Unitarian. Find opportunities to connect with community and gain new perspectives.


Upcoming Services

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