Chalice Circles and Interest Groups are groups of various sizes which meet regularly for the purpose of getting to know one another while learning, discussing, and acting on topics of common interest. You do not have to be a member of Red River UU to attend these small groups. Chalice Circles and Interest Groups are always open to new participants.
If you are interested in attending a particular Circle or Group, please contact the .
Watch the events listing for meetings.
EARTH DAY PLANNING COMMITTEE, The Reason Earth Day is celebrated in Texoma,
Meets the Second Tuesday of the month at Red River UU Church in Denison Texas.
Check out the Earth Day website and our facebook page ‘Texoma Earth Day Festival’ – for updates.
All those who love the Earth are welcome!
Facilitator: Amy Hoffman-Shehan
THE GREEN TEAM, Our ecological interest group that works on ways our congregation can support a Ministry for Earth,
Meets various Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at Red River UU Church in Denison Texas.
All those who want to help make our congregation Green!
Facilitator: TBA –
A MOVEABLE FEAST, A Cooking and Eating Circle.
Meets at moveable times and moveable places!
2019 Meetings: The Moveable Feast co-coordinators are asking for your suggestions and ideas as they plan for 2019. In the past, the Feasters have met in homes, restaurants, and even in the Chapel at church. They have gone on food outings visiting various markets. If you are interested in hosting, please contact the Hills.
Anyone who loves to cook or eat is welcome!
Facilitators: Elbert & Marion Hill
CHAIR YOGA, Join us each Tuesday in the Chapel for Chair Yoga from 10am to 11am. We choose a leader from a variety of videos or occasionally have someone lead us.
Facilitator: varies
SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVES, Join us each Tuesday evening in the Chapel for Spiritual Perspectives from 6:30 pm to 8pm. An individual’s spiritual perspective can provide a sense of purpose, community, and inner peace, regardless of specific beliefs or worldview. What does it mean to live a spiritual life? Join our discussion group as we explore faith traditions, world religions, earth-centered beliefs, and writings of spiritual thinkers, using fiction and non-fiction books, poetry, presentations, and video.
Facilitator: Jim Runnels, LPC