Adult Forum ~ Meeting every Sunday morning from 10 – 11 AM, the Adult Forum offers a variety of programs which generally follow a presentation, live or video (think T.E.D. talks or Great Course Series) followed by a discussion. The Forum selects their own topics, the information is interesting, timely and the conversations are always lively.
Ask Me Host ~ First time visitors are sometimes delighted, surprised and a tad confused about what’s happening on Sunday morning. Our Ask Me Host stands ready to welcome newcomers, show them around, introduce them to others, and help them feel comfortable.
AV Desk ~ For a small congregation, we have an expansive Audio Visual system which requires someone to staff it each week. Those who enjoy the world of AV will be delighted with our two video screen system, five Countryman E6 wireless headsets, wireless hearing assist receivers, spiffy touchscreen laptop, etc. Each week’s musical and video needs are embedded in a PowerPoint 2016 presentation which the AV desk operates.
Care Team ~ As a lay-led congregation we do not have a minister to do our caring. We have an active care team of people who coordinate help and assistance when someone in our community is in need. Everyone in the congregation is included in the Skills and Talent database. The care team assures we, as a community, will always be there when needed.
Children’s Clothing Swap – We hold events where anyone may bring in their outgrown or unneeded children’s clothes and trade them for nicely used children’s clothes.
Earth Day Planning Committee ~ Creators of the Texoma Earth Day Festival. This annual event, now in its 11th year, is our opportunity to bring to the wider community a day-long festival focusing on all things environmental, from a keynote speaker, workshops, vendors to a “trash fashion show”.
Facilities Team ~ For those who enjoy taking care of a hundred-year old house will find many opportunities to share their skills. While we’ve replaced most windows, installed mini-splits on the second floor rooms and installed video surveillance everywhere, our church home still needs care and attention.
Good Times Team ~ A group of volunteers, divided into four groups, who take turns each Sunday providing refreshments for the congregation during our ‘Conversations & Calories’ following the morning assembly. In those months that have 5 Sundays, we give the Good Times Team a week off and host an All-Church “In 4 Lunch Potluck.” Like many Unitarian Universalist congregations, we “do” good potlucks which are very popular.
Morning Greeters ~ While many aspects of our Sunday morning are vastly different from other churches, a friendly face greeting folks along with the Morning Program is a nice way to begin things.
Monarch Waystation ~ By vote of the congregation we’ve installed a monarch waystation on the church grounds. A group of caring volunteers weed, prune, water, plant and love the garden. In its first year, we’re not anticipating seeing a flock of butterflies, but know that we’re in the main path for their annual migration and given their danger of extinction, the effort reflects our 7th Principle.
Moveable Feast, There is nothing more inviting than breaking bread together. The moveable feast is a culinary chalice circle of people who enjoy food, preparing, sharing, and enjoying. A very popular church group that welcomes newcomers. The Feasters meet monthly and it is without a doubt our most popular connection, beyond Sunday mornings.
Chair Yoga, Get Fit without getting stressed! Chair Yoga is a great place to start. We choose a leader from a variety of videos or occasionally have someone lead us.
Spiritual Perspectives, An individual’s spiritual perspective can provide a sense of purpose, community, and inner peace, regardless of specific beliefs or worldview. What does it mean to live a spiritual life? Join our discussion group as we explore faith traditions, world religions, earth-centered beliefs, and writings of spiritual thinkers, using fiction and non-fiction books, poetry, presentations, and video.
Welcoming Congregation Team, sponsors events for the LGBTQIA+ community and their allys. Make sure all LGBTQIA+ diversity requirements from the UUA are met and exceeded.