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Same content, just now as spiffy!
the UPDATE Jan 11-18, 2023
This Sunday
January 15, 2023
The Adult Forum
Gathering in the Alexander room
Virtual Friends join us on ZOOM using
ZOOM meeting ID 989 0789 7878
Comparative Religion
A Great Courses Series
Now thru Jan 29
Details here
Makings Things Happen on Sunday
Greeting us at the doors: Amy Hoffman-Shehan
Host: Marion Hill
Leading today: Mark Y.A. Davies
AV Crew: Carole Harner, Don Rogers, Jim Holmes, Marla Loturco
Sunday School Leader: David Dyer
Providing refreshments: Jim & Marsha Runnels,
Elbert & Marion Hill
The Morning Assembly
Gathering In Person in the Chapel with
Virtual Friends joining us on ZOOM using
ZOOM meeting ID 989 0789 7878
It’s a Conspiracy!
The Rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies, leading
So many persons are drawn to conspiracy theories. When one begins to believe one of the many baseless conspiracy theories being spread, it is like a gateway drug that leads persons down a path of accepting beliefs and explanations of reality that are demonstrably untrue and that are often racist, anti-science, and have the capacity to motivate persons to bring great harm to others. You may read Dr. Davies’s bio here.
Conversations & Calories
Our answer to traditional church coffee hours. Gathering in the Emerson and Alexander Rooms we enjoy lively conversations and assortments of finger food and sweets to enjoy.
The Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner event for 2023 will be on a bit different. This year the plan is for a special catered lunch following the morning assembly on Sunday, February 26. This annual highlight of our church year is both a joyful celebration and a meaningful honoring of our past and future. Won’t you save the date in your calendar now?
Watch for more information in the UPDATE, newsletter, website, mobile app, and morning programs!
The Morning Assembly from Last Sunday
The Complete Morning Assembly