This is our current list of green action activities.
• The Green Team, an environmental action group that helped the congregation move away from paper products, obtain cutlery, dishes, glassware, created reusable grocery bags, etc. They instituted recycling in the building and created the following guidelines which were approved by the congregation in November 2009.
RRUU Green Guidelines
• Earth Day Festival Planning Committee – has created, with the help of non UUs, the annual Texoma Earth Day Festival. Originally started as the Green Team, over time Earth Day planning overtook any other activities of the original Green Team. Two years ago, the Board suggested creating two separate interest groups as there was interest in having some of the things the Green Team used to do return. For more info please visit Earth Day Texoma website
• Monarch Waystation – The result of a congregational goal to help the butterflies and to live our 7th Principle, the waystation has been planted and is cared for by an informal group.
• The Trash Troop – a group who were vested in clarifying why the church doesn’t have trash/recycle pickup. Once discovering the reason was simply that we never put out trash or asked for a recycle bin. Trash and recycle bins were obtained and now a group of volunteers sign up to take the bins to the Bond street entrance on one Wednesday afternoon a month and return the empty bins the next afternoon. Currently about 15 people participate.