A Beloved Community of Resistance and Resilience

Recently the chances have increased exponentially that the United States will go down in history as the worst global offender in abdicating its moral respon-sibility to preserve a livable planet. This greatest of all moral failures will be its most well-known contri-bution in the shortened history of human civiliza-tion, unless we do all in our power to stop it. It will take sacrifice, empathy, and loving kindness for all life; and it will require the formation of beloved communities of resistance and resilience.

Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies is the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics; Director of the World House Institute for Social and Ecological Responsibility; and Executive Director of the Leadership. Education, and Development Hub North America for the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry at Oklahoma City University where he has worked in both teaching and administration for 22 years. He is a United Methodist minister and holds a Ph.D. in Social Ethics, from Boston University.

Mark engages in advocacy and activism in the areas of peace, social justice, and ecological sustainability. Locally this is expressed through his work with the Human Community Network, which works to create non-violent systemic change for a just and flourishing human and ecological community through collaboration, education, innovation, and action. 

He and his wife Kristin live in Edmond, OK in the United States, and they have two teenage daughters.

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