“Earth Day is Over, Now What?”
Sunday, April 23, 2023 – 11:15 am
Earth Day Is Over, Now What?
Jana Norris, leading
You can download the morning program here or read it below without having to download it.
A morning to gather our tired and tattered energies, pulling inward to a place of rest, where our hearts and hands, usually filled with reusing, repurposing, recycling, saving butterflies, saving water, might relax. Instead of doing, let us take time to concentrate on being, on quieting our busy minds so we once again can breathe deeply and begin again.
About our guest speaker
Jana Norris is a member of Red River UU Church. She earned her law degree from U of California Davis, practiced family law mostly in Dallas and Rockwall Counties, and retired to Grayson County, with a stint in MidCoast Maine.
She grew up Methodist, tried the Episcopal Church for a few years, then found a spiritual home in the California neopagan community. Since returning to Texas, she has found fellowship and delight in the UU Church. She serves on the Worship Team and was elected to the minister search committee in 2022.
TMP - April 23 - v.4