Flower Communion Sunday

The morning program

Flower Communion Sunday


A Sunday to celebrate one of the loveliest traditions from our Unitarian forbearers. Now in it’s 98 year, flower communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community.  The history of flower communion will be shared, its purpose explored by the worship team who will leave to each of us time to connect to this unpretentious, yet significant part of a free religious tradition.

It will be different sharing Flower Communion virtually.  Different by being separated, yet the same with the significance the Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, infused into a simple gathering to celebrate the end of the church year.  While an annual event, it is not linked to any calendar giving each congregation the opportunity to celebrate it as each may so choose.

Join us and plan on participating remotely.  Read below for details.


Tis thyme to think Flower Communion.
Don’t let a daisy go by because we all are mint to participate. Hope thistle nudge you to make a video clip
or take a pix of a flower.
We really lilac you to help make
this year’s Flower Communion a success.

We aloe y’all and appreciate you a lily more each day.

the worship team

the fine print: You and a flower is all you need. Make a video clip, take a snapshot. Do whatever your hearts desires – be serious, funny, happy, sad, curious or ferocious or ???. Email the results to news@test.redriveruu.org.