Forty-First Annual Water Communion Sunday
Forty-First Annual Water Communion Sunday
The Worship Team, leading
download: The Morning Program
TMP 08-28
Water Communion is a uniquely Unitarian Universalist tradition, begun at a women’s UU convocation in 1980 by Carolyn McDade and Lucille Schuck Longview, to honor women’s work locally and to connect that work to a larger whole. In the intervening 41 years, it has become a treasured annual ritual in our congregations with a rich variety of interpretations and meanings. For example, in an era of rapid climate change, we note that the human body and our own planet are both approximately 70% water, a coincidence that many of us do not find especially coincidental. Come join us for this yearly celebration, bringing with you a small sample of precious H2O from your home, and a short statement of what that water represents to you. Together we will create our own meaningful font of “holy water” for our congregation.