Good Fruit, Affluenza and The Good Samaritan

Those with “affluenza” are said to have an inability to understand the consequences of their actions because of financial privilege. How we evaluate others’ actions and what consequences are appropriate seem to be more and more related to what degree we identify with them and their political leanings. How do these things inform our covenants and principles as UUs?

Scott is doing a year-long Chaplaincy Residency at Parkland Hospital in Dallas and is a UU minister in preliminary fellowship. He served as Sabbatical Minister at his home church, the First Unitarian Church of Dallas and completed his Ministerial Internship at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento. Scott received his M Div (Master of Divinity)  degree from Brite Divinity School in 2016. 

Scott and his husband Conrad share a nearly-hundred-year-old home in the Oak Cliff borough of Dallas with Conrad’s father Rudy. Conrad is a psychologist, and his son and daughter attend college.


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