“To Know the Place for the First Time.”

THE MORNING PROGRAM:  https://test.redriveruu.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/TMP-07-04-v.2.pdf

To Know the Place for the First Time. Our First Sunday back in the Chapel at Church!

The poet T.S. Eliot once famously wrote: “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

After 15 months of virtual assemblies and online exploration, we joyfully, finally arrive where we started, at our beautiful home in Denison!

THE MORNING DISCOURSE:  The Rev. Dr. Mark Davies will deliver a discourse on “All Persons are Created Equal,” appropriate to the national holiday we celebrate on July 4, and one which also brings to mind the First Principle of Unitarian Universalism—the inherent worth and dignity of each person.  Of his remarks Mark writes:

What would the human community be like if we took to heart the idea that “all persons are created equal” as it was written in the Declaration of Independence? What progress have we made and what still must be done to realize this vision in our contemporary society? 

We will also celebrate the day with special music by singers Ellie Dyer and Jan Fletcher and a sampler of Red River UU’s “greatest hits.” It will be like knowing the place for the first time!

For our virtual guests and visitors – Despair Not!  We will live-stream the morning assembly on Zoom so you can not only watch but during Coffee and Conversations you can join the conversations.  Then the video of this week’s special celebration will be uploaded to our YouTube and Facebook pages by Monday evening.






