Good Habits: Cultivating Virtue

“Good Habits: Cultivating Virtue” with the rev. Dr. Mark Y.A. Davies

The Morning Program

Sneak Peek: clip about Dr. Davies discourse on Sunday.

Of his remarks Dr. Davies writes,  “Aristotle believed that possessing good character is about cultivating moral and intellectual virtue, and this requires practicing good habits for the sake of human flourishing. What might we learn from Aristotle in our contemporary context? ”

Mark Davies is the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics, Director of the World House Institute for Social and Ecological Responsibility, and Executive Director of the Leadership, Education, and Development Hub for the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry at Oklahoma City University, where he has worked in both teaching and administration for 25 years. He is an ordained elder in the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church, where he served as Chair of the Board of Church and Society from 2015 to 2018.

The Truth About Easter, Part Part II: Women Change the World In Secret

The Truth About Easter, Part Part II: Women Change the World In Secret

The Morning Program TMP - 04-04 - DMS-study

Sneak Peek about Easter Sunday’s discourse:

the rev. Dr. Christine Tata

The Real Truth About Easter (Part Two): Women Change the World in Secret

Last week, Dr. Tata ended her Palm Sunday sermon with a mystery to solve: what happened to Jesus’s body following his death by crucifixion? This Easter, she reveals the life-affirming solution, which is also the key to reclaiming the transformative potential of the Jesus movement. You won’t want to miss the finale of this special two-part series, which offers seekers and believers a way of seeing Easter that challenges us not to settle for anything less than mystery and miracle.

About today’s guest minister:

Rev. Dr. Christine Tata is an itinerant United Church of Christ preacher who has loved preaching virtual messages for real people for progressive congregations in the area, especially during the pandemic year of necessary rapid learning and change. Drawing from her peripatetic life experience in parish ministry and the helping professions, as well as the drama of the written and spoken and performative word and Word, she remains a lifelong seeker of truth and compassion and hopes for nothing less than the transformation of the world. In April, she will joyfully commence a two-month interim sojourn as Acting Senior Minister for Friends Congregational UCC in College Station. For courage in the face of absurdity, follow her alter ego, Rev Dr Sparky on, and sign up for the newsletter, Real/igion for the Rest of Us.  

The Truth About Easter, Part One: Undercover in Jerusalem”

Sneak Peek:  Coming soon

The morning program

TMP - 03-28-DMS-study

Apart from faith or theology, the question of the empty tomb of Jesus is still open: What did happen to Jesus’s body? It’s as much a mystery as why we love Peeps. Well, the Rev. Dr. Christine can’t claim to know the literal truth of what happened to Jesus’s body, but she imagines a compelling narrative in her one-act play, “Breathing Together,” which she produced at the Iliff School of Theology and later at a national conference. Now, in a two-part series beginning on this Passion Sunday, Christine opens this lively question again. It could change your ideas about Easter, women, men, death, life, love, and reality. (But not about Peeps.)

About Sunday’s speaker: Christine Tata has enjoyed visiting Red River from time to time through the years to preach, lead workshops, and appreciate the growth and sincerity of this fellowship. She brings a lifelong interest in religion and spirituality, a variety of academic and professional credentials, and pastoral experience as ordained minister for several progressive congregations. Christine now writes on as Rev Dr Sparky, continuing in her mission to inspire courage in the face of absurdity.

“Blistering Hope”

TMP - 03-21 - DMS-study

Sneak Peek:

Download The morning program

A stonemason would tell us that the rock is not easy to shape, it takes time and leaves blisters on our hands. Many other things in life are like that- where the results are not visible right away. How do we engage the work where the only sign of progress are blisters on our hands? Can you handle the blisters? Where do you find hope and beauty in the work that is ongoing?

Rev. Dr. Aija Duelm (she/her/hers) is a UU minister, living in Benbrook, TX. Her work experiences include healthcare chaplaincy in both adult and pediatric settings and a pastoral leadership in a congregation in St. Louis, MO. She enjoys gardening. Together with her husband they are foster parents to a teenager.

Beyond a Stained Glass Jesus

TMP - 03-14-DMS-study

Sneak Peek

The Morning Program (appears here Saturday afternoon/evening)

As we approach Spring, we also approach Easter, that Christian holiday so important to tradition and so difficult to translate without resorting to metaphor and myth, but it is at it’s heart a natural holiday of the changing of the seasons while reprocessing the hope of new birth!

So who is Jesus for Unitarian Universalists? Jesus is supposed to have asked tie question to his apostles-“Who do YOU say that I am?”

About our Sunday speaker:  Rev. Art graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary with a Masters degree in Divinity in 1987 and later completed his internship at the Princeton Unitarian Church. After becoming our minister in March of 1991, the church grew from 250 to over 400 members. The Sanctuary was built during his time with us as well. Rev. Art later served in UU ministry at Boulder Valley UU Fellowship in Lafayette, CO, East Shore UU Church in Kirtland, OH, First UU Church of Stockton, CA, and at the UU Church of Amherst, NY. He retired in 2015 and moved back to San Antonio. He now occasionally preaches at our church and at churches in the area.

“Renegotiating the Four Agreements: Reading The Fine Print”

Sneak Peek:

The Morning Program (appears here on Saturday afternoon/evening)

Don Miguel Ruiz’s little book, The Four Agreements, spent a decade on the NY Times bestseller list, offering Toltec wisdom to help North Americans see that humans are actually dreaming all the time, and what we think is “reality” is only a set of agreements we have made with the dream world we are in. Ruiz said we needed to break those old agreements and replace them with some better ones, and a lot of people liked that idea. But now… we might need to look at the fine print on those four agreements… because “reality” just sent us some new Terms of Service. And this time I think we better read ‘em.

Review or read the book in PDF format, free  here

About Sunday’s speaker: Christine Tata has enjoyed visiting Red River from time to time through the years to preach, lead workshops, and appreciate the growth and sincerity of this fellowship. She brings a lifelong interest in religion and spirituality, a variety of academic and professional credentials, and pastoral experience as ordained minister for several progressive congregations. Christine now writes on as Rev Dr Sparky, continuing in her mission to inspire courage in the face of absurdity.

“Building a Better World Might Take Some Work”

Building a Better World Might Take Some Work

The Morning Program   Sneak Peek:

We all have to be part of dismantling white supremacy; those of us who enjoy power and privilege need to use it for good.

TMP - 02-28-DMS-study

Daniel Polk is originally from Iowa, but has lived Texas for a few decades and has learned the drawl, sort of.  He is Director of our group of congregations, North Texas Unitarian Universalist Churches (NTUUC), and in his spare time enjoys word play and coloring wood for art projects.  He tries to use his privilege for the benefit of society.

“First, There Was Eve in Africa”

TMP - 02-21-DMS-study

DOWNLOAD: The Morning Program

“First, There Was Eve in Africa“: If you’re ever feeling lonely, just remember that every stranger you meet is actually your distant kin. We are all descendants of the first human: Mitochondrial Eve, the original homo sapiens, who emerged in Africa as the ancestral mother of the whole race. Moreover, Africa’s centuries-long history of civilizations and empire dwarfs that of the United States and mo. So please join the Rev. Dr. Christine Tata on February 21 at 11:15 a.m. when we will ponder how we all got here: first, there was Eve….

About Sunday’s speaker: Christine Tata has enjoyed visiting Red River from time to time through the years to preach, lead workshops, and appreciate the growth and sincerity of this fellowship. She brings a lifelong interest in religion and spirituality, a variety of academic and professional credentials, and pastoral experience as ordained minister for several progressive congregations. Christine now writes on as Rev Dr Sparky, continuing in her mission to inspire courage in the face of absurdity.

“Why I Won’t Play Backyard Soccer in Chile”

TMP - 02-14-DMS-study“Why I Won’t Play Backyard Soccer in Chile”

Download the morning program:

Dick Powell, speaking

Sneak Peek promo:

The Morning Program (appears here on Saturday afternoon/evening)

I know that some of you have experienced living in another country. I lived 7 years in South America, first as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Chile and later with my wife and kids in Colombia. My experience in each country was profoundly different, but I can look back with many good feelings.  I hope you”ll join me as I share some memories of my life in South America.

About Dick:  Born and raised in California of Anglo parents. Served in the Peace Corps in Chile and later lived in Colombia with his wife and kids. Has lived in north Texas since 1978, but can still speak Spanish. He retains an interest in and appreciation for the people of all countries where he has lived.

Because it is Valentine’s day, the worship team thought it would be nice to have his soul mate, partner and spouse, Carol Powell, be our worship associate today.

“New Prophets for the Church of the Real World” the rev Dr. Christine Tata, speaking


New Prophets for the Church of the Real World

Here’s a glimpse of Christine’s thinking:

The Morning Program (will appear here on Saturday afternoon/evening)

Since the middle of the twentieth century, this country has struggled to throw off its beginnings as an apartheid state and live up to its promise. The post-World War II generation contributed some prophetic voices—but not enough, and there has been despair. But now, there are new prophets… new poets… new actions being taken by people with a fierce faith, transforming the spiritual and political landscape. Generation Z is putting the real back in real/igion. Tune in next Sunday to be challenged … and glad.