Why Go To Church

THE MORNING PROGRAM  https://test.redriveruu.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/TMP-05-30-Don-Fielding.pdf

TMP - 05-30 - Don Fielding


Sneak Peek Video about Don’s Discourse:

For many churchgoing has become just a habit.  We go because we always have.  But might there be a more significant reason for going to church?  It’s true we, UUs do not go to church to be “saved”, but might there still be an important reason to go to church?  Don will reflect on how churchgoing began and why he goes to church.  See if you agree.

ABOUT SUNDAY’S VISITING MINISTER:  The Rev. Dr. Donald H. Fielding changed career paths after 25+ years as a geologist and chose to study for the ministry.  He graduated from Meadville/Lombard Theological School in Chicago (A UU seminary) in 1990, was ordained and served BOTH the Denton UU Fellowship and the UU Church of Oak Cliff from 1990 until his retirement in 2003 when he became the minister emeritus of the Denton Fellowship.  He says one thing he learned by serving two congregations at the same time is that a sermon that flies at one spot may fall flat at the other location since each congregation has its own way of being together.  Don returns after far-too-long an absence.  Don enjoys writing sermons, which is calls a reflection and we call a discourse, and present worship in his own style which will be abundantly clear on Sunday.  It is good to have him back again.