Rise of Religious Fundamentalism in the 20th Century
Rise of Religious Fundamentalism in the 20th Century
Walter Norris, leading
Download the Morning Program here later in the week.
Of his discourse, Walter writes:
My last message was related to indicators during the 19th Century of an impending world-wide phenomenon known as Religious Fundamentalism. My current message relates to the rise and evolution of this religious circumstance during the 20th Century, with most of us present today, witnessing this rise in the last half of the 20th century. It will consider the start of this abnormality which began in the United States and particularly with evangelical denominations. In addition, we will consider how this reality evolved into a political powerhouse along with its spread internationally.
About our guest minister:
I am a former Southern Baptist. I have a BA and a MDiv from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I rejected Baptist views and am a retired social worker in mental health issues. I am passionate about civil and human rights. Currently I am a docent educator with the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum.
I took a sharp left turn from my religious training and left evangelicalism. I am very interested with oriental traditions and like to focus on a spiritual life rather than a religious one.
Walter and Susie Norris joined our congregation in August 2022.