The Simplest of Sacraments
“The Simplest of Sacraments”
The Rev. Kelly J. Crocker, co-senior minister (video message) First Unitarian Society of Madison, WI
Each of us has experienced moments of deep communion with those we love and trust. What of those simple moments, perhaps completely unexpected with a friend or family member, or even a stranger? Can we be surprised by communion in very simple ways? I think we can, if we can find ways to keep ourselves open and ready with an answering yes.
About our guest preacher:
The Rev. Kelly J. Crocker has served as a minister at First Unitarian Society since July 2001. She was raised in Scranton, PA and after receiving her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Women’s Studies at East Stroudsburg University, she attended seminary at Louisville Theological Seminary in Kentucky. It was during her time in Louisville that Kelly was introduced to Unitarian Universalism, and subsequently, her call to serve our faith.
Upon graduating from seminary, Kelly completed a two-year internship as Minister of Religious Education at the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia. During this time she realized her passion in ministry to be one of connecting people from across the generations into fellowship, spiritual growth, and active service in our community.
Kelly was thrilled with the possibility of a ministry with First Unitarian Society. She saw in this congregation a kindred commitment to education as a lifelong process for us all and was excited to become a part of its vibrant religious education program. Over the years she has seen this commitment grow and thrive as our programs for children, youth and adults flourish. At FUS, Kelly’s responsibilities include overseeing our lifespan religious education program, working with the Ethical Eating program, advising the Partner Church Council, leading worship, officiating at rites of passage and offering pastoral care.
Kelly is married to Dan Raysbrook and together they have two amazing sons, Sam and Owen. Her passions include knitting, gardening, reading good mysteries and spending time with her favorite little guys playing with dirt, trucks, mud piles and worms.