“Transgender in Comon Usage and Jurisprudence”
“Transgender in Comon Usage and Jurisprudence” Dr. Rachel Tudor, guest speaker
Download the Morning Program or read it below
Of her discourse, Dr. Tudor writes:
Names and labels are used to identify and, all too often, exclude, marginalize, and literally demonize people who are different or see the world differently. Through the use of the power of naming, individuals and communities are deprived of their rights and dignity as human beings. The neologism “transgender” is one such name/label. I will share my experiences with this label in reference to employment justice and our culture.
Introducing Dr. Tudor:
The 10th Circuit ordered Dr. Tudor’s reinstatement as a tenured professor at Southeastern in the Fall of 2021 after a decade of litigation. She is the first tenured Native American professor in her department in its 125+ year history. Her undergraduate degree was developed by a collaboration between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the University of Houston emphasizing analytical future studies and environmental earth science. The curriculum provided a robust foundation in natural science to juxtapose with her Master’s degree in Humanities with an emphasis in philosophy. She earned her PhD at the University of Oklahoma concentrating on literature.
TMP 05-29 - v.1