This Sunday, Oct 2, 2022
TO OUR VIRTUAL FRIENDS: Join us for our entire morning via Zoom. One Zoom meeting ID 989 0789 7878 will bring you to the Adult Forum and the Morning Assembly and tarry for Conversations & Calories, our answer to the traditional ‘coffee hour” 🤗
Adult Forum
In Person in the Alexander Room and streaming live
on Zoom Meeting ID: 989 0789 7878
Comparative Religions
A Video series from The Great Courses now through Oct 9
Details here
The Morning Assembly
11:15 am
In Person in the Chapel and streaming live
on Zoom Meeting ID: 989 0789 7878
Stages of Faith or Spiritual Development
The Rev. Walter Norris, guest speaker
Thomas Garland, worship associate
In 1981, James Fowler, a Methodist Theologian at Emory University, developed the idea of a developmental process of human faith or spirituality. We will consider the different stages that endure throughout a person’s individual life. An example of one of these stages is the last or sixth stage, Universalizing Faith. It is the stage that many never reach. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Mahatmas Gandhi are those who have reached this phase. It is a phase that considers all people important. They strive to create social justice in the world.
Who’s Doing What This Sunday
- Board Rep: Marilyn Alexander
- Greeting us at the door: Carolyn & Bruce Cameron
- Ask Me Host: Amy Hoffman-Shehan
- Leading today: Walter Norris
- Worship Associate: Thomas Garland
- AV Crew: Carole Harner, Don Rogers, Jim Holmes, Marla Loturco
- Sunday School Leader: Ellie Dyer
- Providing refreshments: Amy Hoffman-Shehan, David & Kelly Dyer, Michelle Haynes, Walter and Susie Norris